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Showing posts from July, 2008

It's A Woman Fashion

Hi Ladies, here... i have some info that very good for you. This is the site that contain about FASHION, and i'm sure you will like it. Check this out.... Prom Dresses . But as you can see, fashion isn't the only one that they provide. They also provide bridesmaid, cocktail, and m…

Be A God of Gambler.....

wew.....what a boring day, so i go to net cafe and start to looking for a fun. At first i just play a flash game, that very uncool, is just a toy for kids [well i'm a kid but not that kid]. Then i found "Casino Games" At here, you can find Roulette Game, Blackjack Game, Cra…

Firehouse - Here For You

Another Nice Song... So you think you've got it all figured out Well you know you can't make it alone Everybody needs somebody to help them out And you know I could be that someone And if you ever get lost on life's highway Don't know where to go There's…

Warriors Orochi !!

You Should Play This Game !!


G.O.D D.A.M.N !! SI BODOHHHHHHH, sso yg dulunya nyuruh2 doank [mank sih sekarang dah mendingan, tp begithu ada nak baru, sama ja] cabut mp4 tanpa di safety dlu ato setidaknya di tutup dlu windownya.... Mengesalkan bet, 900 mb gw ilank !!! data gw, kehidupan gw, darah gw, jantung gw......…

Dinner At Kalibata's McD

15 July, abis super penat ngerjain TA terus ngelayap kan, and sepanjang jalan ngakak2 kaya orang gila, terus cerita horor jg, padahal ada yg nyali tempe, masa ngeliat orang duduk di tenah kegelapan loncat, wakakaka suer lucu bet dah !!!! sepanajng jalan diliatin kli gw krn ngakak sendiri,…

Last Day At PSN ?!

Owh No !!!!!! This is the final day i work here....then what i've to do next?! Geezz.....i don't know did i have to happy or sad, wekekek But i guess.... sad is more exact, coz for now, i won't have income T_T how sad..... Then it means i have 2 find a new work, wekekeke, back…

Finally..... Print TA Juga, Wekekek

Finally !!!! setelah menunggu selama setahun, akhirnya ngerjain TA jg........dan kemarin atau tepatnya 14 July, gw, Diq, X-Bot, Reggaendi, numpang print di hum Doyog.... Perjalanan sih berjalan lancar2 ja, palingan bocah2 jd kaya orang liar kl ngeliat cewe cakep [normal atau berlebihan?! …

My Best Band Practice

Minggu, 13 July.....Latihan tanpa bassis lagi, yah emang dia lg ada kesibukan sih, jadi bisa dimaklumi lah, kan team leader yg baik, wekekek Tapi....entah kenapa dan mengapa dan apa dan siapa dan bagaimana, kayaknya latihan berjalan super OK mank harus ada yg dikorbankan sih, e.…

Gw Ditempel Cewe Stress !!

Latian berjalan dengan K.U.R.A.N.G. B.A.I.K krn ada bassnya kurang OK, idup mati githu kaya sekarat, wekekek tp mayan dah, cukup menghibur, coz sekarang personil dah lengkap >:) Seperti biasa, latian kayaknya kebanyakan cekakak cekikiknya, ato mank kodrat ye?? auah terang, sebodo amat…


I was tag by Darlyn Thank You Lady, Now Here We Go !! The rules are simple. At the end of the post, the player tags 6 people and posts their names, then goes to their blog and leaves a comment, letting them know they’ve been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Let the person who tag…