Kekeke, mulai besok dah mulai shift2-an 3 hari masuk, 1 hari libur... and pagi sore malam di random... Tidak masalah >:) tapi.... kl lagi dpt malam and bosan bgmn? g mgkn kan suru orang OL, kekeke y berarti musti prepare dulu neh... And trouble jgn yg susah2 gt.... kl lagi sial dpt yg …
Lanjutan atw another story line yah dr Neo-Huma Casshern? Yang pasti gw agak telat tw ne anime T_T Ya sudahlah, apa daya tangan tak sampai, kekeke... Wajib nonton lw, ne hero gak kuat2 amat tp menarik, kekeke...
Apa ini knp di mana2 selalu jadi pelacur [pelampiasan curhat] kekeke... Gax keberatan sh cm apa gw ada magnet curhat yeee?? kekeke... Baiklah tidak masalah toh dr cerita2 githu bs menghibur jg ternyata,,, well g' luck 4 u dah client gw utk saat ini [anjoy_xp] Kekeke!! >:)
As usual, this is an old song, but then i hear it from Hellboy 2 and indeed.... it's cute!! kekeke!!!! You know I can't smile without you I can't smile without you I can't laugh and I can't sing I'm finding it hard to do anything You see I feel sad when you're …