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Showing posts from April, 2011

Mac Platforms Game

Everybody loves game, games may entertain us, or even bring us to a magical world. But most of it, games was created for Windows. Then how if you are a Mac user? Do NOT worry, since you may want to see this site free mac games .  It provide you with many kind of games, such as arcade, c…

All About Stress

Everyone needs goals and challenges. But too much can be damaging, such as stress problem. Any sort of loss, from bereavement, divorce and separation to a child leaving home, causes stress, as do long-term illness and disability. But things such as marriage, moving house, a new job and ho…

National Health Service [NHS]

The National Health Service (NHS) is the shared name of three of the four publicly funded healthcare systems in the United Kingdom. Only the English NHS is officially called the National Health Service, the others being NHS Scotland and NHS Wales. Health and Social Care in Northern Irelan…

Tuberculosis [TB / MTB]

What is "Tuberculosis"? Tuberculosis is a common and in some cases deadly infectious disease caused by various strains of mycobacteria, usually "Mycobacterium Tuberculosis" in humans. It is spread through the air when people who have active MTB infection cough, sneeze…

Major League Gaming [MLG]

What is Major League Game [MLG]? MLG is a North American professional videogame league, headquartered in New York City, New York. MLG has held official video game tournaments throughout the United States and Canada. MLG competitions have been broadcast on television,, other broad…

The Eagle Ray

What is "Eagle Ray"? The eagle ray is a group of cartilaginous fishes in the family Myliobatidae, consisting mostly of large species living in the open ocean rather than on the sea bottom. They are excellent swimmers and are able to breach the water up to several metres above t…

Dynasty Warriors 7

Set to launch on both Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, more cool, more exiting, you wouldn't want to miss it especially if you're a Dynasty Warriors Fans. Dynasty Warriors 7 removed the repetitive "Renbu" combat system with the return of the reliable charge system. The charg…

Jackie Chan - Stuntmaster

Jackie Chan performs most of his own stunts, which are choreographed by the Jackie Chan Stunt Team. Chan has used the team in all his subsequent films to make choreographing easier, given his understanding of each member's abilities. Jackie Chan and his team undertake many of the st…