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Effective Diet to Lose Weight

You might be wondering, which diet should I do? There are so many types of diet. Paleo, keto, intermittent fasting, vegan diet, etc. But, which one is the best and effective diet to lose weight?

Let's get this straight. In order for fat and weight loss to occur, you have to be in hypo caloric state. It means, you take fewer calories than you are burning during the day to create a caloric deficit, in which starts the process of fat burning. 

Effective Diet to Lose Weight

Sounds easy, right? It's actually yes, and no. Getting rid of the fat is both easy and hard. It's really easy if you know what to focus on, and it can be difficult because of the commitment required to get it done. The commitment itself is not only about your workout, but also nutrition. In fact, the latter is more significant in the fat loss process.

While you burn calories from your strength or cardio workout, it can be easily overwhelmed by a single one bad meal. Therefore, nutrition is always the key to get lean and get rid of your body fat.

Fat and Weight Lose Case

First, let's make a scenario. Let's say you workout 5 times / week, 1 hour in every session. What do you do in the rest of 23 hours? Depending on what you do in the rest of the day, it could be the key in your fat loss goal.

Let's say you only eat healthy food, you stay away from junk food, but can't still see any differences in your body. It is wise to remember that not all healthy foods are the same. Yes, they are all healthy, but some of them are packed in calories.

Effective Diet to Lose Weight

Olive oil, nuts, peanut butter, avocado, these foods are good for you, but they are calorie dense food. Small wrong step because you're enchanted by the word 'healthy' might bring you to the deep trap of consuming calories more than you should.

There's also a scenario where you feel going healthy is truly a difficult journey. This might happen because you make a sudden change from your old eating habit, into a new one. You avoid those unhealthy low or high calorie foods packed with artificial sweeteners, trying so hard to work on that diet.

Don't get me wrong, it is a very good work and attempt. However, if it only makes you want to give up in no time, then it's safe to say that it's a not so great approach for your case. You can try to gradually change your diet as a bridge between bad and good food. 

Effective Diet to Lose Weight

For example, every morning, you usually eat sweet cinnamon buns, bacon and everything else, then you force yourself to eat that tasteless healthy oats, or in a way to make it taste better, you put a lot of other ingredients.

As a short term, you can try to make a short move towards the healthy food with something else. Rather than jump directly into real oats, you can try instant oats. It contains sugar, it's not as healthy as the one you make in your kitchen, but it works as a good transition from what you usually eat into a better and of course healthy one, and most likely will work on a long run because your tongue get used to it.

What Is the Effective Diet to Lose Weight?

As we know, what makes us lose weight is not only the calorie deficit, but also how faithful you are to the process. Some of us are loyal to the program, some are having a hard time, can't do it every single day. This is also why there's a thing called "Cheat Meal Day". 

Cheat meal, doesn't mean you can eat junk food, and be free from your responsibility. You still have to eat in moderation, it's just the menu is slightly different, but with the same daily calorie intake. Think of it as a way to keep yourself sane from all those healthy meals every single day.

With that, each individual's goal is different. Different goals, means different effort, and that means different look. In conclusion, the key to have a successful and effective diet is something you can do and commit to the plan. Any diet methods that you can't follow and commit, is not worth it.
