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Medical Attention and Religion, Does It Work?

Have you ever heard about Praying Medic? From my research, Praying Medic is a way, related to religious stuff which using the power and authorities of God for healing. Of course for some people, this concept is absurd, doesn't make any sense, or even crazy. 

But not for the founder of Praying Medic, according to him, he was an atheist until he had an encounter with Jesus in the bunk room of a fire station that forever changed his life. He also said, in 2008, God appeared to him in a dream and said He would heal my patients if I prayed for them. With that, he began praying and said to had stumbled upon keys to operating in healing and miracles.

In his books, he mentioned that he got up to 30% success rate in healing process with praying, depends on the different approaches of the prayer. Some of his friends even reported 100% healing rate! I don't know if he's a great, talented, SSS Class doctor or something else, but with such a magnificent report, I'm positive that praying only take few percent of the process.

But then again, I don't really believe in God. I'm just a mere creature, living my peaceful life. What do you think? Do you believe in miracle of prayer? Or this is all just a great talent of our medical staff?
